martes, 27 de enero de 2009

Artículos Top 10 según EdITLib

La Biblioteca Digital de Educación y Tecnologías de la Información (EdITLib) ha dado a conocer los artículos Top 10 según lecturas de textos completos y de abstracts que los miembros de dicha comunidad han realizado en enero 09. (solo incluiré cinco de cada lista)


  1. Developing, Integrating and Delivering Successful Distributed Learning Environments For Your Students: Best Practices and Lessons Learned: The Good, the Bad and the Unexpected!
  2. The Business of eLearning: Creating a Revenue Channel.
  3. Issues in Distance Learning.
  4. Technology, Transfer and Teaching: The Impact of a Single Technology Course on Preservice Teachers’ Computer Attitudes and Ability.
  5. Generative Learning Strategies and Metacognitive Feedback to Facilitate comprehension of Complex Science Topics and Self-Regulation.
  1. Issues in Distance Learning.
  2. Technology, Transfer and Teaching: The Impact of a Single Technology Course on Preservice Teachers' Computer Attitudes and Ability.
  3. Are Pretty Interfaces Worth the Time? The Effects of User Interface Types on Web-Based Instruction.
  4. Conditions, Processes and Consequences of 1:1 Computing in K-12 Classrooms: The Impact on Teaching Practices and Student Achievement.
  5. Generative Learning Strategies and Metacognitive Feedback to Facilitate comprehension of Complex Science Topics and Self-Regulation.
Leyendo los abstracts, las lecturas coinciden con los temas que más se publican en las revistas con altos índices impacto.
Espero que sirvan como una guía en las investigaciones que realizamos.

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